The course time is 9:00 am - 12:00 am on the course day. (UTC+08:00)
We will meet via Tencent Conference, and the conference number is 680 6481 8622.
Recording Notes (under construction…)
The tentative schedule is as follows:
June 29
General equilibrium + Kaldor Stylized Facts + Uzawa Theorem
Acemoglu's introduction to modern growth ch1-ch3
C.jones's stylized fact description of the United States and the United Kingdom
A brief description of the general equilibrium, reference: MWG
June 30
Micro summation and simple structural changes
Input-output, gabaix and farhi
structural changes
July 2
Endogenous savings rate and dynamic optimization
Dynamic optimization: acemoglu ch5, ch6, the first three chapters of daniel
July 5
Dynamic optimization of daniel's hjb and viscosity solution
July 7
Dynamic optimization problems of representative individuals and representative firms (lucas tree, Tobin's Q and Ramsey economy) acemoglu ch8
July 12
Human capital model, acemoglu's human capital and the corresponding part in labor economics
July 14
AK model and endogenous growth determination, simple general equilibrium analysis of D-S model
change of melitz model (acemoglu ch10, derivation and change of Dixit)
July 16
Endogenous growth: Parallel expansion model, Perla's endogenous growth, optimal stopping time and inventory adjustment problems
July 19
Endogenous growth Schumpeter's quality ladder model, 2020wp by liu ernest
July 21
Dynamic model with endogenous labor supply and heterogeneous individuals, own notes
July 23
Stochastic optimization: continuous time markov process, corresponding hjb equation, ch4-ch5, and ch7 of nancy stokey's Economy of Inaction
July 26
Stochastic optimization: discrete time and value function method
RBC model: ch9-11 from Nancy’s Economy of Inaction
July 28
Stochastic Tobin's Q: optimal asset structure, optimal bankruptcy point, optimal asset structure for asset pricing, ch12-ch13 of Economy of Inaction
July 30
EK model review. Endogenous technology diffusion under EK
Lucas's 2014 paper
Hansberg's endogenous enterprise level
August 2
Unemployment and preliminary AI model
Acemoglu's AI model
August 4
Lucas's two papers and critiques
micro-summing on the production side
private information on the residents side, own notes
August 6
Nk model, discrete time version gali
August 9
Optimal Monetary Policy and the Trap of Zero Interest Rate, Gali's textbook, and woodfor's paper
August 11
Continuous time nk model, own notes
August 14
Nk model tank model, own notes
August 16
Dynamic Immigration Model 1, own notes
August 18
Dynamic Immigration Model 2, own notes
August 20
Industrial Migration and Immigration Model, own notes